Sunday, August 18, 2024



You may or may not know, I currently live in a nursing home. And, no I haven't seen any rats, but I've heard a lot about them from the guy across the hall. At least once a day, he yells it. Sometimes adding other choice words that I won't mention here.

Why does he yell this colorful phrase at the top of his lungs? I don't know and none of the staff I've asked know either. Maybe he knows and maybe he doesn't. It's fun to speculate, especially the writer side of my brain. Here are some of my guesses.

He lived in New York, trapped rats, and trained them to terrorize tourists.
He was in a motorcycle gang and that was his nickname.
He was a Native American in a previous life and that was his horse's name.

What do you think?


  1. I just hope it isn't rats or mice. Either one scares me to death. But now, you have to write a story about it.

  2. I love the visual, and your thoughts on the matter. You could turn it into an adult...children's book.
