Saturday, August 10, 2024



Motivational Crap

I used to buy signs like those pictured above. Some were handmade usually purchased at flea markets and craft fairs. Some were store bought. They adorned my walls and sat on my desk and did their best to keep me going.  


Most of us remember this one. It was probably one of the first to be sold in large numbers and hung on many a teenager's walls.


In the last few years, I've been downsizing my life and my possessions. I am now living in a nursing home and my space is limited. The only quote I have now is this one. 

My mousepad.

Do you have a favorite quote? And has it helped you push through a rough patch in your life's journey?

Comment below.

Until next time, hang in there.


  1. I love that mouse pad! My favorite movie quote though is from Ghostrider "Lady, before you got here we were riding the gravy train on biscuit wheels." Lol

  2. Sorry to hear you are in a nursing home. Is there a chance you will get out soon?

  3. Here's my favorite quote: You were never a given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however. Forgot who wrote it.
