Friday, July 30, 2021


So, as I posted earlier I am trying to finish a novel I have been working on for years and years and years.

I was doing well until I hit the spot I always hit. The place where I tried to finish it over and over and over. 

This is the result of attempting to finish it during National Novel Writing Month when you try to write 1668 words a day. For those of you who don't write - that's a lot of words coming out of a writer's imagination. And most of it is crap and doesn't have any kind of flow.

Until this point, my novel was pretty good, IMHO. But now it meanders all over the place. ARRGGHH

This is the problem. Writers hate to delete their words. What if they lose a pearl of wisdom or the one part a publisher will drool over. 

So, now I'm stuck trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle. I hate jigsaw puzzles. 

But in Gloria Gaynor's words. "I will survive". And so will this story. 


  1. You WILL finish it this year. Still half a year to go. Lay in bed at night and plot. You won't get any sleep, but you'll have a finished novel.

    1. Thanks Shirley. Now, you want to write it for me?
