Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Stir Fry - Ramblings

No theme this week, just a bunch of stuff floating around in my little head.

I don't think we're going to have much of a Spring. Seems to be going from snow the first week of May to Summer the last week. Does one month count as a Spring?

My little desk printer died last week. It had a good life, but man I hate to fork over the money for a new one. Bit the bullet today and went to Staples. Actually got a pretty nice one for less than eighty dollars. It scans and copies, too. I've been wanting a scanner for a while to use with my scrap booking. So maybe I should've thanked my little printer before delivering him into the hands of the recycle guy.

Memorial Day is this coming Monday. I usually have flowers bought by now. I go down to the little cemetery in Douglas County east of Mansfield to my mom's family graves. Then a trip to Greenlawn for my dad's family and my mom and dad. Then White Chapel for my ex in-laws. Not sure I'm gonna do any of it this year. Gas prices the way they are pretty much keeps me from driving to Douglas County. And my knees make it hard to walk in a cemetery. I feel a little guilty though, cause I'm the only one left to pay respect.

For the last couple of weeks I've been editing BTH again! I swear this is it. It's either gonna get published after this or go in a drawer. I'm ready to move on.

Okay, my brains empty. Time for a nap. Everybody have a good week!


  1. I usually wait until last minute to buy flowers. I always think I'll make custom wreaths, but I never do. This year I bought live flowers so I can bring them home and color up the porch.

    Get to editing on that book! Then submit. More than once. A lot!

  2. You can remember your loved ones and pay respect without visiting their graves. No need to feel guilty.

    And we haven't passed 100 degrees yet, so it's still spring! ;)

  3. My parents are both still living but all my grandparents are deceased. My folks are going to decorate their graves this weekend.

    I know the feeling regarding your novel. I've been working on Bear Dreamer for almost four years now. It's time to finish the rewrite and submit, seeing where it goes.

    Likewise, with your novel, it's probably time to finish it up and start submitting. There are no perfect novels. Who knows what will happen? If they published Twilight, surly you have a chance.

    - Chuck Robertson
