Saturday, August 24, 2024



Question Everything

I had a conversation with somebody the other day about the upcoming election. I don't want to use this forum to drown you with election hype, but I thought this was interesting enough to share.

They first said they wanted to ask me something because I was smart and knew what was going on. Flattery will get you everywhere. 😁

They wanted to know what I thought of Trump. I'm always curious to why people like him, so I asked, "Why do you like him?"

They sighted inflation worries and the growing promiscuity of women on social media. They said they trusted the Bible that a woman was here to help man and follow his advice. 

I let that slide because I refuse to argue about religion. Everybody has their own beliefs and are entitled to them. So, I decided to discuss inflation.

"I've lived a long time, and I've seen inflation come and go." {remember gas lines and rationing in the 80's?}

"Plus, we were dealing with Covid which was worldwide and disrupted commerce bigtime. It took 

a while to get everything going again. Corporations lost profit and raised prices like they always do.

How the politicians deal with it is what you should consider."

I told them to do some research and don't just listen to ads. But, most of all, vote

How do you decide who you vote for?

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