Tuesday, September 3, 2024




A few nights ago, I watched Amy Poehler on The Tonight Show stating she made a commitment at the first of the year to read 50 books.


There is no way I could do that, even with all the time I have on my hands now. Plus, I'm addicted to true crime tv shows. What can I say. I like seeing how we kill each other and why. 😃

She brought a few with her and described them. There was a mixture of auto biographies and fiction. She admitted she had read one or two children's books. I'll give her that. Some of those are pretty good. She has read 30 as of August. Will she succeed? Not if she really reads her next selection. War and Peace. Not exactly on The New York Times list. She said she picked it because men she dates eventually ask her if she has read it. Weird. I wouldn't be able to read that in a year let alone a few weeks. But good luck to her.

I have a friend who pledges to complete a certain number of jigsaw puzzles in a year. Have you ever made such a commitment? I would love to hear about it. Comment below.


  1. I so admire Amy's dedication and commitment to read that many books and follow through.
    War and Peace, though??! Wow, no way. Like you, it would take at least a year to understand it. I don't intend to ever date again so I think I'm off the hook on that one. 😉😁

  2. I always vow to read 50 books a year. It's a Goodreads challenge, although sometimes the ones I read don't show up there. But so far I'm at 70 books read this year. This includes, Kindle, Paperback and audio. I always have a book going. But I ALSO love to watch the crime shows.
