Sunday, September 29, 2024



I'm not a social butterfly. I do not enjoy meeting people. I cringed every time I had to put on a "hello" nametag at some company function I was forced to attend. Siting at the lunch table, making small talk with people I would never see again, choking down some dry chicken. Not what I call fun. I was always the first to leave, making some lame excuse like "I need to study the handout material".
 I like the friends I have, and I don't need any more. I am an only child, raised in the country. I learned early on to enjoy my own company. We seldom attended church and my parents both worked so they rarely socialized. Holidays with aunts, uncles, and cousins I didn't really know, was about it.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Being an only child has its perks. I really cleaned up at Christmas. 😊

My son is always urging me to get out of my room, meet people and participate in the activities they have planned every day. I tried Bingo. No thanks. Nothing like a bunch of nearly deaf old people, with poor eyesight, trying to play bingo, to ruin a perfectly good napping day.

 Luckily, my son has mostly given up trying to make me socialize. If I ever get lonely, I have the aides
leave my door open so I can hear others making noise.

I'm retired. I deserve to do what makes me happy. None of which include being social.

1 comment:

  1. You need to promote your book at the center. Do a book signing and sell a bunch of copies. That's socializing enough. And if you don't want to socialize, get busy on that next book. Or the new Sleuths' Contest.
