Monday, September 16, 2024



Let Us Entertain You

I watch a lot of tv. Always have. But now that I live in a nursing home, I spend much more time watching the "idiot tube". Older peeps will know that phrase. I am looking forward to some new and some old shows this fall.

I'll start with the new. Matlock. Love Kathy Bates. Such a talented actor. Her role in Misery almost made me not want to become a writer.  😆   Plus, I still watch the original Matlock. I'm not expecting it to be the same, but maybe some nod to the original.

Next, Elsbeth. I know it's not new but, I somehow missed it last year. I watched an episode last night and loved it!

I don't watch many reality shows. Two of them are Survivor and The Voice.
And now that I have blue tooth headphones I can't wait for those two.

Do you have any favorites or new shows you can't wait for? Comment below.


  1. I don't have much time for TV any more. I watch a little on weekends. I spend most of my time writing.

  2. I've heard Elsbeth mentioned in passing, but I know nothing about the show. I guess I should look it up and watch an episode as well. I'm looking forward to the final episodes of Blue Bloods.
