I've been asking myself that question quite a lot lately.
Having recently retired, that question pops into my head on a daily basis as I try to figure out what direction my life needs to go now. Or, does it even need to go anywhere?
And then there is Covid-19. Man, has that changed things. The above picture reminds me of the toilet paper shortage that occurred at the beginning of this pandemic. Who could have believed people would hoard toilet paper. Blew my mind.
I've also heard there is a big event coming up this fall. Some sort of an election? Just kidding. It's probably one of the most important elections in modern history. And when it's over, we will all be asking "What's next?"
As of right now, my 'next' is starting up this blog after a much too long absense, dedicating myself to working on my next novel, and reading more. All the while trying to avoid getting that damn virus so I can enjoy my retirement years.
Until next week, stay safe friends.
An excellent start to your next chapter. Write on, my friend.