Tuesday, November 19, 2024



What kind of emotion do you feel when you look at this picture?

My emotion is regret.  Especially on a fall day, with the wind whispering around the eaves, and the smell of rain, just a promise on mother nature's lips. 

A room full of books, a single lamp trying to disperse the shadows lurking in the corners, their dark tentacles creeping forward, ready to grab the light and draw it closer. 

My past life, clawing at the edge of my memories, attempting to change what's written there. Then, slowly realizing there is nothing I can change no matter how hard I try.

My eyes drift back to the racks and racks of books. Some of them carry memories like mine, while others carry adventures missed. The dim light reminds me of the waning time I have left. 

Sorry, didn't mean to be a Debbie Downer today. It's just the way life is. Sometimes, you have to let it all out.

As I close this letter to myself, I vow to use my time wisely and perhaps something new and exciting will come my way. Or something old will wiggle my thoughts to let me know I had more fun in this life than I realize.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


             I Fall to Pieces

The season is upon us. How do you feel about it? Are you an obnoxious pumpkin spice lover. A sweater and plaid wearing fool?  A drunk football tailgater? Do you own shares in a pumpkin patch, corn maze, hay riding farm? Do you love seeing frost on your pumpkin? Do you love the leaves falling, making a mess?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I hate fall. Give me a hot summer day with a glass of iced tea in my hand. I can hear you all shaking your heads. "She must be crazy." But as Sheldon would say, "No. My mom had me tested." (Not really. I just love that line.)

Fall, to me, is the beginning of winter. And I really HATE winter. I still have bad memories of the 2007 Great Ice Storm. Look it up. https://www.weather.gov/sgf/events_2007jan12

So, you guys can keep your sweaters and pumpkin spice, and I will put another blanket over me and pray for a short winter.

Sunday, September 29, 2024



I'm not a social butterfly. I do not enjoy meeting people. I cringed every time I had to put on a "hello" nametag at some company function I was forced to attend. Siting at the lunch table, making small talk with people I would never see again, choking down some dry chicken. Not what I call fun. I was always the first to leave, making some lame excuse like "I need to study the handout material".
 I like the friends I have, and I don't need any more. I am an only child, raised in the country. I learned early on to enjoy my own company. We seldom attended church and my parents both worked so they rarely socialized. Holidays with aunts, uncles, and cousins I didn't really know, was about it.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Being an only child has its perks. I really cleaned up at Christmas. 😊

My son is always urging me to get out of my room, meet people and participate in the activities they have planned every day. I tried Bingo. No thanks. Nothing like a bunch of nearly deaf old people, with poor eyesight, trying to play bingo, to ruin a perfectly good napping day.

 Luckily, my son has mostly given up trying to make me socialize. If I ever get lonely, I have the aides
leave my door open so I can hear others making noise.

I'm retired. I deserve to do what makes me happy. None of which include being social.

Monday, September 16, 2024



Let Us Entertain You

I watch a lot of tv. Always have. But now that I live in a nursing home, I spend much more time watching the "idiot tube". Older peeps will know that phrase. I am looking forward to some new and some old shows this fall.

I'll start with the new. Matlock. Love Kathy Bates. Such a talented actor. Her role in Misery almost made me not want to become a writer.  😆   Plus, I still watch the original Matlock. I'm not expecting it to be the same, but maybe some nod to the original.

Next, Elsbeth. I know it's not new but, I somehow missed it last year. I watched an episode last night and loved it!

I don't watch many reality shows. Two of them are Survivor and The Voice.
And now that I have blue tooth headphones I can't wait for those two.

Do you have any favorites or new shows you can't wait for? Comment below.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024




A few nights ago, I watched Amy Poehler on The Tonight Show stating she made a commitment at the first of the year to read 50 books.


There is no way I could do that, even with all the time I have on my hands now. Plus, I'm addicted to true crime tv shows. What can I say. I like seeing how we kill each other and why. 😃

She brought a few with her and described them. There was a mixture of auto biographies and fiction. She admitted she had read one or two children's books. I'll give her that. Some of those are pretty good. She has read 30 as of August. Will she succeed? Not if she really reads her next selection. War and Peace. Not exactly on The New York Times list. She said she picked it because men she dates eventually ask her if she has read it. Weird. I wouldn't be able to read that in a year let alone a few weeks. But good luck to her.

I have a friend who pledges to complete a certain number of jigsaw puzzles in a year. Have you ever made such a commitment? I would love to hear about it. Comment below.

Saturday, August 24, 2024



Question Everything

I had a conversation with somebody the other day about the upcoming election. I don't want to use this forum to drown you with election hype, but I thought this was interesting enough to share.

They first said they wanted to ask me something because I was smart and knew what was going on. Flattery will get you everywhere. 😁

They wanted to know what I thought of Trump. I'm always curious to why people like him, so I asked, "Why do you like him?"

They sighted inflation worries and the growing promiscuity of women on social media. They said they trusted the Bible that a woman was here to help man and follow his advice. 

I let that slide because I refuse to argue about religion. Everybody has their own beliefs and are entitled to them. So, I decided to discuss inflation.

"I've lived a long time, and I've seen inflation come and go." {remember gas lines and rationing in the 80's?}

"Plus, we were dealing with Covid which was worldwide and disrupted commerce bigtime. It took 

a while to get everything going again. Corporations lost profit and raised prices like they always do.

How the politicians deal with it is what you should consider."

I told them to do some research and don't just listen to ads. But, most of all, vote

How do you decide who you vote for?

Sunday, August 18, 2024



You may or may not know, I currently live in a nursing home. And, no I haven't seen any rats, but I've heard a lot about them from the guy across the hall. At least once a day, he yells it. Sometimes adding other choice words that I won't mention here.

Why does he yell this colorful phrase at the top of his lungs? I don't know and none of the staff I've asked know either. Maybe he knows and maybe he doesn't. It's fun to speculate, especially the writer side of my brain. Here are some of my guesses.

He lived in New York, trapped rats, and trained them to terrorize tourists.
He was in a motorcycle gang and that was his nickname.
He was a Native American in a previous life and that was his horse's name.

What do you think?

Saturday, August 10, 2024



Motivational Crap

I used to buy signs like those pictured above. Some were handmade usually purchased at flea markets and craft fairs. Some were store bought. They adorned my walls and sat on my desk and did their best to keep me going.  


Most of us remember this one. It was probably one of the first to be sold in large numbers and hung on many a teenager's walls.


In the last few years, I've been downsizing my life and my possessions. I am now living in a nursing home and my space is limited. The only quote I have now is this one. 

My mousepad.

Do you have a favorite quote? And has it helped you push through a rough patch in your life's journey?

Comment below.

Until next time, hang in there.